scott tissues
not all products need giant ad campaigns. sometimes what they need most is smarter positioning, better packaging and something to stand for. being the most basic toilet paper on the market, it seems natural for scott to be the tissue for men. so let's do what we can to act like it.
there's only one way to sell "man tissue." and that's as a six pack. and because men are notorious for forgetting to buy paper, we'll put these six packs in the beer aisle.
the other thing men are notorious for is needing something to read while they're tending to business. the great thing about scott is it comes individually wrapped.
so let's use the backside of that wrapper for something that will keep men entertained.
each roll will have original content provided by men's magazine partners. who knows, maybe we even sell ad space for a whole new profit stream. so, instead of spending money to make ads for scott tissue, we turn the product into it's own money-making machine.